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Monday, February 2, 2015

yOGA yo~!

lentur? bunyi mcm pelik je. lentur la sbb nk share pasal "lose weight with Yoga, forget Fad Diets and agonizing workouts.

lately aku mmg jarang berjoging. dulu joging and running itu passion aku. tapi sjak keje ni mmg rs jaraaanng sgt. selalunye..selalunye ye..bile aku da bersmgt bwk baju utk g jog, mest ari itu akan hujan. hujan bukan yg biase. hujan selebat-lebatnye. da byk kali jugak terkena cmtu.maka rase down plak nk g berlari.LoL (alasan kao je tu). kt office jugak ade zumba. yg nicenye girls sahaja, maka xlah malu sgt nk berzumba. i think zumba is fun coz while u r zumba-ing, zumba with music, music which is catchy and make u feel more energetic with steps that are cool and kdg2 rase cm britnye spears plak (mak oii perasannnn).

well..sbb xde mase and whatsoeverrrr.. maka aku amik inisiatif utk cari cara workout yg kao boleh buat kt rumah. contohnye lompat bintang, skipping, plank and etc etc pon bole buat ky uma utk kluakan peluh and dptkan flat abs.

and currently aku suke browse2 to find yoga steps. of course not yg too compliacted smpai later nnt cramp plak. yg simple yet enjoyable for us to do it while at home. there are plenty of yoga that you can find. lemme share the simple steps for noobs like me to practice it at home.

 there goes the simple steps. tgk pon tau dah senang.tapi tnggu la sat2 g ms nk buat. mengah la jugak. buat mula2 mmg azab sket...nnt da lame2 mest terbiasa.

sedikit pose explanation:

1) MOUNTAIN POSE: stand up tall, feet together or a little apart, arms at your your palms together, roll shoulders back and down and lift chest.

2) EXTEND ARMS = INHALE : inhale and extend arms above and behind your head.

3) SWAN DIVE: standing forward bend, exhale thru nose, place hands on your legs as close to your feet as you can. Bend kneed a little if hamstrings are tight to protect your back.

4) SPINE FORWARD: Inhale and lengthen your spine forward into a half standing forward bend with fingertips on the floor and gaze focus ahead.

5) PLANK POSE: exhale and step or lightly hop. Feet behind get into a plank pose, arms straight underneath shoulders and leg straight. your back should be flat and core engaged. hold for a second, and in a snake movement, lower yourself towards the floor then lower your chest and chin to the floor, keeping your elbows close to your ribcage, and flatten your feet to the floor.

6) COBRA POSE: Inhale as you push down with your arms and raise your head, shoulders and upper body as far as you can without straining. look upwards, roll shoulders back and down and keep elbows in. firm up kneecaps and tights to prevent them lifting off the mat.

7) DOWNWARD DOG: Exhale into Downward Facing Dog; walk hands forward and slightly farther apart than shoulder width, and spread fingers wide for stability. Then curl toes under and press your hips upwards so your body is in the shape of a triangle, with your bottom as the apex. Make sure your neck and shoulders are released and relaxed. If your hamstrings are tight, keep your knees slightly bent. Take five deep breaths.

8) FORWARD BEND : Inhale, step forward one foot and then the other between the hands, looking ahead. Then exhale into a forward bend.

9) INHALE: Inhale and come up, arms above and behind head.

10) STANDING POSE: Lower arms into original standing pose.

agak senang kan? yoga bukan saja bole tone kan muscle kt badan kita, tp boleh jugak bakar calories, utk stamina.ada jugak yg ckp, dgn yoga ni boleh reduce napsu makan sbb bila da strecth, bending and focus, it seems like killing the juga bagus utk tulang kita. recommended to do it 5 times a day kalau nk turunkan berat badan tapi terpulang kpd masing2 punye time.

Dalam phone pon byk apps for Yoga guide. salah satunya yg aku ade download adelah Yoga for beginners. bagus jugak sbb die ade terangkan every pose tu cmne and ape benefit dia.

so yoga ni byk benefit if kita amalkan and xsusah pon. bole beryoga di rumah, and kalau ade duit lebih bole pegi klass yoga. more fun, do it with you friends.

: resource from dailymail. more info :

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