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Friday, February 28, 2020

Sekali Lagi


dah masuk 2020 and dah nak masuk bulan March pulak tu...tetap xlupa blog kesayangan ni...cumaa ade a few things yang buat jadi blog ni dilupakan sat...hehe..arini rasa rajen.. ada mood nak menulis.. jadinya kita ONZ jela kan..      
. start with.. this thing, i wanna share n keep it as nanti boleh belek2..without consume space mcm tulis dalam diary...ok ni pasal im pregnant again after menunggu for about 4 years+ :)...hub by n I planned to have kids lagi after Suhail dah 3 years da..da wean off semua..trying..even on ovulation day(based on the app which i always keep track, yg mmg tepat based on my period duration and all) but rezeki..tapi i still keep on trying...yang kadang2 rasa give up jugak..andd kadang2 pasrah jugak...Suhail sorang jelahh..haha

Lagi pulak keje kat kedai makan tu, kerja agak berat, angkat benda berat, cuci lantai and all..berdiri all day long..its tiring and made me think that itulah possible reason why susah nak 'lekat'
a week before end of November '19, looking at the period app, i will have my period...being me yang always getting high temp fever, sakit breast usually happened a WEEK before my period...soo, memang i had fever for the whole week...while working da dapat rasa badan i thought its normal laaa macam bulan2 lepas...not putting any hope this time. Monday- Wednesday tu tak dapat pergi kerja. I just cant, dengan kepala pening, badan at my weakest point. and yeah..stay je  kat rumah...with no apetite, weak. Friday, its my birthday...getting better, hari Sabtu siap bole pegi kenduri...tapi one thing i notice, i'm easily get tired..naik kereta je, tros terlelap..kalau dok tgk tv pon, bole dalam fikiran, maybe sbb demam not fully recover and period just around the corner.
then the first week of  December '19, Tuesday, while working rasa nk demam lagi...i said to myself isk...baru baik demam, takkan demam lagi,,,and the result...cuti lagi on Wednesday..eventho working with in-laws family, i bukan jenis yang ambil kesempatan, malas2..suka ponteng ..NO! sebab i think its my responsible to work hard to assist the best i can to help my in-laws fam. That time, my period was 4 days late dah... tapi tak nak berharap sebab seblom ni pon pernah je 5 days late...but then bila check, its negative...elok je dah check...tros period...SAD :(...
That night, i cant sleep, bodyache, macam2 position tak kena...masa tu da 3 i thought buat Tahajud laa.....mintak dengan Allah mungkin kali ni ada rezeki nak pregnant. so i mintak sungguh2 that night...n i xtdo until Subuh. Nekad nk check tros....sebab kalau positif boleh jaga2 sebab fragile kan..
So, i do the test...after Subuh prayer...after berdoa to Allah...Masha-Allah...berdebarnya perasaan masa tu...sebab mmg mengharap ada rezeki kali ni...after 2minutes...Alhamdulillah...2 red line on the test stick...tros show it to my hubby....he kinda blur..lepas i bgtau im pregnant then he hugged me.n im crying!! happy with the test result..
Next phase is..berjaga- jaga....
sambung on next entry :)
5th December 2019

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