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Sunday, June 21, 2015

boy or girl?

since my pregnancy skrg da mencapai 19 weeks [lebih kurang 4mo ++], so ms g checkup ritu doc scan on my baby. well, other test result is ok, my hb 12.3, blood pressure getting better and berat pon naik sekilo je, so shud be ok la kot coz nurse xde ckp ape2..hehe.. anyway skrg keep minom susu kambing which org ckp susu kambing bole prevent jaundice. aku pon xbape pasti lah, kita hanye bole berusaha to prevent. lucky me im able to drink milk and xmuntah, so lg senang lah for my calcium intake. makan pon boleh msok tp if baby xsuke bila2 je bole muntah n pening on the spot. yg dpt detect baby ni suka makan western, daging, ikan, n xsuke kit kat sbb bile mkn kit kat tros rs nk muntah. funny btol.

muka pulak byk jerawat esp kt dahi. pembawakan budak, hormon. xboleh buat ape, pasrah sajelah. xde craving pape, cume klo kdg2 kwn2 sebot certain food tu, tibe2 craving die dtg and nk mkn time tu jugak. contohnye aritu kwn post pix mkn kt boat noodle. hasilnya, craving for it smpai rs nk merajuk kwn xnk pegi tmnkan and bertekad nk pegi pastu kwn temankan jugak and craving fulfilled. ehehe :). lately emotional cket, cpt rs sedih..normal ke? normal la kot sbb hormon xstabil kan. lgpon xde suami di sisi. jumpe 2, 3 minggu skali jer..sobsss. bile whatsapp tuh kdg2 tetibe je nanges. baby pon sedih jugak la kot sbb ayah die xde. maybe?

klo dulu klo food tu xpdas mmg xlah nk makan, tp skrg xbole mkn pdas, klo goreng nasik pon kale putih je, nasik goreng manje name die. mostly mcm terbalik dgn ms xprego dlu. tp apepon ok saje asalkan baby is healthy.

so far rasenye makin stabil mayb coz da nk msok 5 mo,2nd trimester. and haritu pon travel to kelantan> melaka> kedah dlm minggu yg sama, baby is doing well, xbuat hal eg: muntah or pening ms dlm perjalanan.  alhamdulillah :)

Ade checkup aritu sbnarnye da exceed date coz suppose the check update when i was in Kelantan. so dtg2 check up first time hubby teman coz dia pon cuti :) then bile nurse panggil ckp, suppose xbole dtg jumaat [date yg suppose dtg is hari rabu, lewat 2 hari] sbb xde org nk check ke ape tah. tp seb bek lpas jugak sbb klo xmsk juge coz next week nye nk balik kdah pulak.  then doc scan perot. uri kt atas, means OK, cuma bile scan deliver date is 3/11 which is seminggu awl dr date yg di calculate manual based on my period cycle and doc tu nk makesure lg, so kene dtg lagi dlm ms 2 weeks time.

Annnddddd latest check up haritu which is 16th June, doc scan lagilah perot sbb aritu doc sruh dtg kan. and teringat lah ape yg di baca dlm babycenter tu, 18 weeks ptotnye da nampak baby is a girl or boy. errmmm...anak first mmg accept saje girl or boy tp aku lebih nk ke boy sbb anak sulong klo perempuan cm susah cket. mcm my mom, me myself pon anak sulong jugak. so better boy for anak sulong. depends on masing2 lah kan. and 18 weeks onwards gak ptotnye bole rse da baby movement, cume stgh org yg br prego mayb xdpt rs sgt or confuse dgn ape yg dirasekan. few weeks lagi mayb bole rs dgn clear kot baby kicking! tazabarrrrrrr.LoL.

 Melalut, td nk cite pasal scan, ms tgh scan tu baby tetibe terreveal die adelah baby ..... [ok biar rahsia kt sini :P].so xpyh susah2 tny doc n doc pon xpyh susah2 nk cari kan. baby ni bole thn attention seekers jugak. tp sbb scan cmtu2 je, nk check ngn details pon xbole, so xpelah nnt g check kt private boleh verify btol ke x yg mcm doc kt KK tu nmpak plus boleh tny lagi byk.

Okie dokie da update pasal scan on 18 weeks, i just snapped scan image ms 12 weeks aritu [3 mo], ms tu baby pon da grak2 active cuma xdpt rs lg. skrg dpt rase sket2. nnt dpt rs byk lah lagii...
Hello :)

sbb tazabar sgt nk verify baby ni girl ke boy, so pegilah kt private the next 2 days. and scan confirmed mmg baby ..... baby active, heartbeat ok, bsr pon ok. ms tgh scan tgn dok melambai doctor. friendlynye baby ni..happy coz org tgk dia ke? and bila scan kt private ni, deliver date jd 5/11. doc kate as long as range xbyk sgt, the same month it shud be ok. no worries. ms kt KK aritu, doc ckp stick saje on 11/11. klo awl shud be ok. no worries.

so enuff utk entry kali ni...nnt smbong on entry prego in Ramadhan ^_^


p.s: seronok dpt rs bby gerak. kdg2 mcm geli2 cket. priceless experience as a mom-to-be :)

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