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Sunday, June 21, 2015

buku PINK

well..well..lame xpost nmpaknye dlm ni.not feeling well..alahan yg trok.mabuk tgk pc lame2..etc etc..aritu da draft dah nk cerita pasal bukak buku pink. tapi..yelah xbole nk tatap pc lame2 sbb mengundang mual, pening dan seterusnya loya..maka..terbantutla nk update.

decided utk bukak buku pink bile da msok 3rd months sbb malas nk pegi checkup klo awl2 nih.. then cm xde pglmn ..of course lah..first timer kan.. so kebetulan office mate yg prego nk g check up jugak, so follow jelah die g check up skali. pegi pagi dlm kol 7 am cmtu coz bak kata kwn tu, if lmbt nnt xde parking..oh oh..xde parking bahaye, nnt kene jln jauh, da la xbape ok sgt lg. since umah sewa area seri kembangan, so..pegilah aku ke KK seri kembangan.

Pagi2 lg da rmai org, so better la pegi pagi2 coz pegi pagi klo pling lmbt pon abes kol 12 cmtu kan. government rmai org, so expected lah waiting period is longer, plus its free. memula tu amik no, n mintak buku kt nurse. nurse tny dok mane then ok, bg buku fill up buku tu. ade 2 buku, both kene fill up, tny adress, keje ape, suami keje ape, kt mane sume, date kawen. once done staple no td and ltak blik kt kaunter tunggulah smpai no kene panggil.

tnggu no kene panggil ni lah yg mencabar. seb bek dtg ngn kwn, so xdela boringgg sgt. so start kire tnggu since 8 am, kol 9 cmtu bru kene panggil. nurse bgtau kene pegi bilik mane, ade susunan kt situ, follow jela yg die sruh tu. memula amik darah. lucky me, nurse yg amik darah tu power, so skali je tros dpt n xskit mcm i amik kt klinik jd bngkak n lebam.TSk. then drop buku kt another bilik plak for consultation. tnggu for this agak lame coz check mcm2 n yg tnggu pon rmai.

once msok, soklan basic di tnye such as: bile last period [the exact date], period regular ke x, timbang berat sume lah. then sruh baring check nipple [utk check ade lump or whatever yg bahaye] n perot.

ok the last part is urine. since pagi tu xde minom air masak, urine agak kuning pekat. tkot plak klo die detect over gula kan.. harap xde effect lah. haus gila coz xbwk bekal air. just mkn roti krim as energy. so next time kene ingt bwk sebotol air supaye xhaus n kering tekak.

so dat day abes check up kol 11 cmtu, after that masok opis tp a bit pening sbb tmpt parking opis jauh n ms tu agak panas. =.="

ok smpai sini saje bout buku merah. smbung nnt :)


p/s: setiap kali nk pergi checkup mesti berdebar ngn result2 test. korang pon cmtu ke?

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