Blog Archive

Monday, July 25, 2016

First time mother n fasting

Uh its almost errmmm let me see...19th Syawal dah..oh dear..dah abes puasa dah half of Syawal n i be like baru hegeh2 nak update this blog..anyhooo..better late than never kan?

Im working today but since not so much technical problem reported,hence got time to write here..tehee..

Based on tajuk..yeahh...ramadhan lepas adalah first experience for me as a bf mother. Byk bnde kt otak ni pasal bf masa puasa ni..kt fb byk org share bout rukhsah utk bf mommies..n what-not kan.. well as for me..i did read bout all those stuff tapi more focusing on how to make me less hungry, more energize n paliiiing penting susu xdrop!

Before Ramadhan comes, adelah i tried to practise puasa sunat,nk biasakan diri..first time tu pagi2 mmg dah rs lapa gilo pastu ok saje.. then bila aft pump, huii lapa ok jelahh..xde la smpai mudarat diri sdri..coz da ckp kt diri sdri i can do this n no excuse! Dulu ms xprego n xbf xnak bgun sahur bole je bertahan..lapa pon cket2 je..sahur pon stkt minum air..rlek jee..pastu tdo zzZz..skrg jgn harap laa woii

Mcm biasa laa...da googlee..blogwalking experience mommies out there on their bf journey ms puasa..actually lg worried bile puasa on bf rather than ms prego hasil pembacaan n dah practise b4 puasa,xlah cuak sgt da pastu :)

So here the tips to stay fit.not so susu drop!

Sahur is a MUST!

First thing first adelah kurma. kurma dpt bekalkn kalori, mencegh dr lesu disamping protein tinggi. Dah namanye makanan sunnah kan..byklah manfaat..n bila sahur mmg sy akan ambil 3-4 biji. Kadang2 if rs xbole nk mkn cmtu je kurma..bole msuk dlm overnight oats.sedap n oats pon bole bekalkan energy n tmbh susu juga.

Susu terhasil dr air n mommies digalakkan minum air yg byk at least 3liter sehari n more! Tulah salah satu sbb risau susu drop coz siang kite xdpt nk minum..then solutionnye start bukak puasa,till habis waktu sahur keep drink as much as u can. As for me, hari2 adalah hari yg sgt dahaga. N i cant resist those ice n cold drinks! However i opt for no ice (bila tahap dahaga xbrape power,bearable) tp ltk dlm fridge n let them cool.tujelah nk bg xguilty sgt sbb from my readings, ice can reduce ur milk production. Malam lebih kurang 1-2 botol air mineral yg 1.5 litres tu..n hasilnya mlm2 kerap bgon buang air..hahah..cant complaint as itu sbhagian effort xnnk bg susu drop.then,bgon sahur try my best to finish another 1 botol..mann...perut jd kembungggg..T_T

Yerp.another effort is to have supplement and mcm biasalah...Shaklee jd pilihan..Shaklee ada set for bf mommies which consists of ESP,vit c, alfalfa, performance drink. Meh nk crita cket benefits dorg ni

>susu jd lebih pekat n banyak
>baby mudah kenyang
>ibu lebih bertenaga,kenyang n xlah lesuu xbermaya jee..bulan pose bukan alasan ye mommies!

>meningkatan sistem imun
>membina sel darah merah utk penyerapan zat besi
>mencerahkan kulit,melambtkn penuaan

>Milk booster
>mengurangkan keputihan
>mengatasi eczema pada bayi

Performance drink
>Berfungsi utk kurang terhidrat,
>mngekalkan paras gula
>daya tahan fizikal dan tenaga

N alhamdulillah dgn effort kt atas n izin Allah susu mcm biasa, n xdela kepenatan terlampau,terhidrasi n susu pon xkurang. 

Yg supplement tu xdinafikan rmai yg skeptikal..myself sdri pon sama yelah...utk anak apa saja pon cuba sbb klo boleh nk susukan till umur 2thn.lebih pon ok kire cm bonus laa..then bila dgn shaklee serasi so xsalah nk spread the benefits dgn org ramai.. walau apapon..kita berikhtiar tp tuhan yg mengizinkan.. so ikhtiar dulu apa cara sekali pon :)

Now proceed plak dgn puasa 6. Tp br 3 hari cik P dtg..hrp2 sempatlah abeskan pose 6 dgn pose ganti..heehee

Till then smbung nnt.


P/s : da period since 2mnggu after abes 60 days of darah nifas. But luckily , susu still ok n harap2 ok n ckup smpai bila2! N yes pada sesiapa berminat nk tahu pasal bf set shaklee ni boleh folo ig sy @fiza_n_biz :)

Penang pt III


Nasi kandar Hameediah dah tutup!!!eiii i said to my hubby.last time i went with my girlfriends, tutup lmbt choice kene cari another nasi kandar spot> nasi kandar beratur. Since that time already 10pm i guess da ramai yg line up sbb based on my experience, people will start to line up at 830pm while the shop only open at 9pm. Tu pon dah pjg. Arrived there,as expected, mmg ramailaaa yg da beratur.. kesian my hubby.parking agak jauh , dkt blkg masjid kapitan keling and kena beratur pjg pulak.. tp xpelah..xde ape pon nk balik cpt..while waiting, i played dgn Suhail dlm kete.hehe

No nasi kndar pictures were taken sbb bila da bngkus, presentation dia sgt mkn jelahhh..lgpon da lapa..i opt for kari campur, ikan while hubby opt for chicken,kuah cmpur n kobis. Boleh mkn dgn tenangnya since i already put Suhail to sleep since now already his bedtime mode.

Next day which is the last day..we went to Padang Kota Lama again but this time having our mee sotong and coconut shake. Got 2 sides there. If u wish to buy only from kdai on side A then u hv to sit only at area A. Then vice versa. Since sbnarnya nk mkn mee sotong n coconut shake which in A area buttttt i already sat in B area,n pak cik yg wipe the meja already warn me, if u dont want to buy from any kedai here, then u can move to the other side..uh oh.then ni choice..i bought air kedongdong so that i can still sit tu punya rules pon ade ke? Hehehe. Finish our meal, its time to go home. And before that im having ice cream..sedapnyaa ice cream.

So basicalky our holiday kali ni bukannye nk pegi tmpt2 yg cntik or cr kafe2 hipster. Just for the sake of bercuti utk berehat otak n jiwa raga n well spent among 3 of us. So puas hatilah sbb berehat n mkn pon ok lahh...lgpon first time bercuti bwk budak omei tu,xbiase lg next time da ok, i guess it shud be no problem dah!

Ok before habeskan crita kali ni, nk share my boy show off his new skill.teheee

Till then smbung nnt 


P/s syok sgt dpt rehat n xpyh pk hal2 keje dsb. Kan best hari2 cmni

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Penang trip pt II


After maghrib da we went to Padang Kota Lama. Traffic quite busy sbb cuti sekolah tp we manage to get parking nearer. We decided to hv our pasembor.sotong kangkung.cendol. coconut shake. I guess Suhail xsuke lama2 tgk his parent mkn..then we decided to bungkus pasembor.better kot sbb boleh enjoy lg rather than hv to eat cpt2 sbb suhail want it too! 

Selesai having the meal..lepak at the taman nearby. Ramai org melepak, main bubbles, light saber ( im a bit excited n hampir beli satu!) .. bestnye dpt tenangkan fikiran for a while no need to think of work n spend time with your loves one ..awww....about 10pm plus, we decided to balik since our baby pon da sleepy..smpai je hotel, tuka baju, diapers, n feed him,Suhail pon tdo.. me n hubby have our time finishing our tapau pasembor..well bf mother mmg xpnah kyg..i ate a lot.most of it sbb hubby tapau agak byk.mcm2 die pilih..nice!
Our tapau pasembor

Lepas mkn tros tdo..heaven nyee.. while nk lelapkan mata,hubby google where to eat tomorrown he found about taman tun Sardon. Quite a fewwww foods there n my hubby craze for kuih serabut or serabai. Im we planned to go there tomorrownye but xmkn kt sana, tapau lg sbb its more covinient. :).using waze dr super8, just about 20mins.

Tomorrow mornoon

Wait for Suhail to awake da pkul 9 lebih...agak lmbt jugak,hopefully adelah lg food kt sana.then grak n smpaidlm pkul 10.30 am. Agak ramai jugak. The place is like a food court where you can find various of kedai in there. Not taking any pics coz only my hubby pegi beli foods as me n my boy waiting in the car.

My hubby frustrated cket coz kedai yg jual kuih serabai tu tutop.xtaula tutop sbb da abes or mmg tutop what my hubby able to grab is mee wantan.capati daging cincang.nasi lemuni.putu mayong (  i called it mayam while hubs called it mayong..fine) with cendol n air soya gula merah.

Nasi lemuni is like nasi lemak but its black in color n taste like ada rempah. Comes with sebji telur and smbal.mmg mcm nsi lemak.
Nasi lemuni..excuse the pics quality..heee

For mee wantan no pic were taken coz we were tooooo hungry to do so..hahaha..
Putu mayong/ mayam

This is kind of mihun but lagi halus and u hv to eat it with sugar or coconut with sugar. Sometimes i eat it with kuah durian..nyummeyyhh
.the green one only one left but there is no hugeee taste different between green or white.both also sedap!

Since da mkn byk n kenyang that night we keluar a bit late that is after Isya about 9pm. We planned to hunt for nasi kandar which i xdela suke sgt alang2 dah kt penang..y not? The nearest n famous from our hotel is nasi kandar hameediah. So we went there but....

Continue again....

Penang trip

Trip happened last month where i had my 10days leave (company policy to have 10days leave straight which i dont understand till now) . Kenapa on June?well my hubby also in cuti hubby is a teacher.english teacher FYI ;p. So we decided to go sumwhere not too far since we didnt plan nk bercuti jauh. Tambah pulak this is the first time we wanna go for a holiday 
only 3 of us!

At first plan nk pegi Cameron Highland. Tp my umi said now musim hujan andd jalan pon berbukit , not good for Suhail yg baru 7 months.ok so Cameron out. On Saturday we need to attend our schoolmate wedding in Kuala Nerang which means we heading straight to north and agak buang masa plus membazir mnyk if nk bercuti on south side kan? So mmg kene bercuti belah2 utara saja.

Google lah i on tempat percutian menarik di utara. Results shows ipoh.penang.n other is on island. Being me yg xsuka beach , pantai whatsoever so pulau2 ni is a BIG no no! My hubby suggest gunung jerai. First thing first kene cari hotel. However, hotel kt gunung jerai tu dah fully booked.cuti sekolah kan? What do u expect babe? The nearest to stay is sg. Petani..i was like..hmmmm klo SP baik dok umah mak jeee...then..gunung jerai kensel jugak

Malas nk pk banyak..i ckp to my hubby...Penang jelahh...lgpon bukan nk g jln sgt pon..nk rehat.nk spend time together only 3 of us. Yela..pjj kan...susah nk dpt spend time cmni..n penang banyaaakkk food woiihhh... hubby say Ok lah.n i pon cari place to stay.

Penang ni problem die adalah hotel with parking sbb xbole nk main parking sukehati ngko je. I pon booked Super8 hotel. Pernah pegi once dgn my x-classmate trip for celebrate me as bride to be..wohoo..
Here, includes parking space  n near to komtar. Ez acess to mana2 tmpt yg famous kt penang. Booked there for 2days 1night at rm195.44. Ohh we booked superior room. 

Room die ok je if u didnt expect much. Luas but no cupboard. Susa la nk hang baju. But im not complaining.. sbb selesa for us n ada ruang utk Suhail crawl2 dlm bilik tu.

We arrived at 2pm cmtu.. before that dah lunch kt kedai mil.hehe..smpai we olls rilek2 je..yelah.da kata nk chill n relax je 3 of us so no hurry lah.. planned to go out after maghrib to Padang Kota Lama where sotong kangkung,pasembor famous for :)

Stay tunedd 


Life with newborn would never be the same.. for first few months after bersalin..still adjusting myself dgn rutin hidup baru as a mom. Nowmy son already 8 months..skrg br nk update? Hewhewhew

1st month

Time berpantang.. siang no issuelah since mmg berjaga je waktu siang kan.. bile nk milk, oke bagi, nanges no issue if getting worst umi amik jap n here it goes, baby akan tros senyap n sleepingg. However...bila mlm n nk tdo...kdg2 baby nangesss... already sleepy baby...what do u wantt? Milk?checkd. Diapers.checked. tp still not this point kdg2 rs seram jugak tkot ade syaitonnirrajjimm yg nk kacau plus baby kn boleh nmpk dorg tu? What i did was open up surah yaasin dlm phone..let it play smpai baby fell asleep. I teringt one night tu when hubby went to mamak with my lil bro, tgk bola.match abes around 12am. Baby before that da tdo. Then bila nk masuk bilik tibe2 nges xingt.. i feed him, check diapers sumenye ok but still xstop.last resort bukak yaasin smbil dodoi him n akhirnya baby tdo. 
I was like so stress when that thing happen, baby nges xtau nk buat apa bila all major steps semuanya da buat. Kdg2 i nges since da penat.stress. n my hubby will slowtalk.pujuk me n togther berjaga when baby is awake. I bukan nak apa sgt, ckupla sma2 berjaga n lalui sama2 proses jaga anak coz u know,first time mother...dont blame me ;p.being me yg susah nk bgon tdo awl coz i think sleep adalah sgt berharga ,kene korban sket tdo tu n kdg2 jelah bgon lmbt cket dr biase.

1Month old Suhail

2months and up

Suhail is as ez as his name. During this time,die jaarang sgt nanges kuat2 except he is hungreyyhhh or panas. If panas,dia akn mngamuk! If both things fulfilled, then die akan tdo or main2 without kacau org sekeliling pon .org sekeliling yg nk kacau die instead..hehe. being a boy, boleh tahan kuat jugak bf budak ni.but its ok as long as ur healthy baby! End of november which during 30days of pantang, i continued pantang at mil house at kedah. During this period my hubby did all the pantang stuff since my mil kene jaga kedai mkn dia. So my hubby did all the panaskan tngku, prepare air mandi for me. One thing yg die tkuttttt is mandikan baby. I dont blame him either sbb baby kn lembut n quite tkut jugakla..its ok..i understand. Makanan pulak,my mil da msk ok laah..cume kene hndle baby sdri spenuhnya. Lucky me Suhail xbyk ragam, so senanglah sket n xpani sbb die xmelalak xtentu pasal compare to me mcm yg my umi crita,kuat melalak.hahahaha!

When maternity leaves end :(

I already tought Suhail to have his milk using bottle n he is doing well sbb first time sumbat je tros dpt adapt dgn botol susu tu. First time i ajar feeding with bottle is when Suhail was one month old. That time im using Tomee Tippee bottle. So feeding with bottle should be no issue. I didnt prepare any milk stock mcm yg ibu2lain n my fren buat. I also dont know y but up till now,stock utk susu Suhail always there when i pump it n ckup.stkt 3 botol spare lepaslah... coz now pon Suhail da bole mkn, so shud be no issue. One thing yg buat i didnt prepare any milk stock sebab, Suhail xlyn susu frozen. Thats the thing n if dia minum pon, stkt 2 oz.another 2 oz will be wasted. So syg kan? Tsk..

Routine kt office pn berubah. I hv to plan my breaktime kena pecah to lunch, solat n pumping. Usually i only can pump once je tp seb bek ckop la for next day stock. Alhamdulillah. If ada ms,then only can continue to twice. My boss is understanding but my work of nature n task sometimes make my pumping session not on time as per schedule n kdg2 tertangguh. Xpelah,asalkn xjejas hasil pumping.bila balik keje agak terasela penatnye, mlm kdg2 Suhail bgon for milk,tdo xselena dulu..apepon bila tgk that cute face, again i fall in love n sayang sgttt <3

So now i adapt well with this motherhood thingy.apa2 preparation pon everything is Suhail first from siapkan his diaper bag bila nk pegi mana2 smpailah nk setup tmpt tdo. Nothing comes easy without practice kan? Tp satu jelah nk ckp, tdo is less once u enter ur pregnancy stage n its continued

until u have ur child..hehehe:)  but believe me, its fun!

3Months old Suhail