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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Penang trip

Trip happened last month where i had my 10days leave (company policy to have 10days leave straight which i dont understand till now) . Kenapa on June?well my hubby also in cuti hubby is a teacher.english teacher FYI ;p. So we decided to go sumwhere not too far since we didnt plan nk bercuti jauh. Tambah pulak this is the first time we wanna go for a holiday 
only 3 of us!

At first plan nk pegi Cameron Highland. Tp my umi said now musim hujan andd jalan pon berbukit , not good for Suhail yg baru 7 months.ok so Cameron out. On Saturday we need to attend our schoolmate wedding in Kuala Nerang which means we heading straight to north and agak buang masa plus membazir mnyk if nk bercuti on south side kan? So mmg kene bercuti belah2 utara saja.

Google lah i on tempat percutian menarik di utara. Results shows ipoh.penang.n other is on island. Being me yg xsuka beach , pantai whatsoever so pulau2 ni is a BIG no no! My hubby suggest gunung jerai. First thing first kene cari hotel. However, hotel kt gunung jerai tu dah fully booked.cuti sekolah kan? What do u expect babe? The nearest to stay is sg. Petani..i was like..hmmmm klo SP baik dok umah mak jeee...then..gunung jerai kensel jugak

Malas nk pk banyak..i ckp to my hubby...Penang jelahh...lgpon bukan nk g jln sgt pon..nk rehat.nk spend time together only 3 of us. Yela..pjj kan...susah nk dpt spend time cmni..n penang banyaaakkk food woiihhh... hubby say Ok lah.n i pon cari place to stay.

Penang ni problem die adalah hotel with parking sbb xbole nk main parking sukehati ngko je. I pon booked Super8 hotel. Pernah pegi once dgn my x-classmate trip for celebrate me as bride to be..wohoo..
Here, includes parking space  n near to komtar. Ez acess to mana2 tmpt yg famous kt penang. Booked there for 2days 1night at rm195.44. Ohh we booked superior room. 

Room die ok je if u didnt expect much. Luas but no cupboard. Susa la nk hang baju. But im not complaining.. sbb selesa for us n ada ruang utk Suhail crawl2 dlm bilik tu.

We arrived at 2pm cmtu.. before that dah lunch kt kedai mil.hehe..smpai we olls rilek2 je..yelah.da kata nk chill n relax je 3 of us so no hurry lah.. planned to go out after maghrib to Padang Kota Lama where sotong kangkung,pasembor famous for :)

Stay tunedd 

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