Blog Archive

Monday, July 25, 2016

First time mother n fasting

Uh its almost errmmm let me see...19th Syawal dah..oh dear..dah abes puasa dah half of Syawal n i be like baru hegeh2 nak update this blog..anyhooo..better late than never kan?

Im working today but since not so much technical problem reported,hence got time to write here..tehee..

Based on tajuk..yeahh...ramadhan lepas adalah first experience for me as a bf mother. Byk bnde kt otak ni pasal bf masa puasa ni..kt fb byk org share bout rukhsah utk bf mommies..n what-not kan.. well as for me..i did read bout all those stuff tapi more focusing on how to make me less hungry, more energize n paliiiing penting susu xdrop!

Before Ramadhan comes, adelah i tried to practise puasa sunat,nk biasakan diri..first time tu pagi2 mmg dah rs lapa gilo pastu ok saje.. then bila aft pump, huii lapa ok jelahh..xde la smpai mudarat diri sdri..coz da ckp kt diri sdri i can do this n no excuse! Dulu ms xprego n xbf xnak bgun sahur bole je bertahan..lapa pon cket2 je..sahur pon stkt minum air..rlek jee..pastu tdo zzZz..skrg jgn harap laa woii

Mcm biasa laa...da googlee..blogwalking experience mommies out there on their bf journey ms puasa..actually lg worried bile puasa on bf rather than ms prego hasil pembacaan n dah practise b4 puasa,xlah cuak sgt da pastu :)

So here the tips to stay fit.not so susu drop!

Sahur is a MUST!

First thing first adelah kurma. kurma dpt bekalkn kalori, mencegh dr lesu disamping protein tinggi. Dah namanye makanan sunnah kan..byklah manfaat..n bila sahur mmg sy akan ambil 3-4 biji. Kadang2 if rs xbole nk mkn cmtu je kurma..bole msuk dlm overnight oats.sedap n oats pon bole bekalkan energy n tmbh susu juga.

Susu terhasil dr air n mommies digalakkan minum air yg byk at least 3liter sehari n more! Tulah salah satu sbb risau susu drop coz siang kite xdpt nk minum..then solutionnye start bukak puasa,till habis waktu sahur keep drink as much as u can. As for me, hari2 adalah hari yg sgt dahaga. N i cant resist those ice n cold drinks! However i opt for no ice (bila tahap dahaga xbrape power,bearable) tp ltk dlm fridge n let them cool.tujelah nk bg xguilty sgt sbb from my readings, ice can reduce ur milk production. Malam lebih kurang 1-2 botol air mineral yg 1.5 litres tu..n hasilnya mlm2 kerap bgon buang air..hahah..cant complaint as itu sbhagian effort xnnk bg susu drop.then,bgon sahur try my best to finish another 1 botol..mann...perut jd kembungggg..T_T

Yerp.another effort is to have supplement and mcm biasalah...Shaklee jd pilihan..Shaklee ada set for bf mommies which consists of ESP,vit c, alfalfa, performance drink. Meh nk crita cket benefits dorg ni

>susu jd lebih pekat n banyak
>baby mudah kenyang
>ibu lebih bertenaga,kenyang n xlah lesuu xbermaya jee..bulan pose bukan alasan ye mommies!

>meningkatan sistem imun
>membina sel darah merah utk penyerapan zat besi
>mencerahkan kulit,melambtkn penuaan

>Milk booster
>mengurangkan keputihan
>mengatasi eczema pada bayi

Performance drink
>Berfungsi utk kurang terhidrat,
>mngekalkan paras gula
>daya tahan fizikal dan tenaga

N alhamdulillah dgn effort kt atas n izin Allah susu mcm biasa, n xdela kepenatan terlampau,terhidrasi n susu pon xkurang. 

Yg supplement tu xdinafikan rmai yg skeptikal..myself sdri pon sama yelah...utk anak apa saja pon cuba sbb klo boleh nk susukan till umur 2thn.lebih pon ok kire cm bonus laa..then bila dgn shaklee serasi so xsalah nk spread the benefits dgn org ramai.. walau apapon..kita berikhtiar tp tuhan yg mengizinkan.. so ikhtiar dulu apa cara sekali pon :)

Now proceed plak dgn puasa 6. Tp br 3 hari cik P dtg..hrp2 sempatlah abeskan pose 6 dgn pose ganti..heehee

Till then smbung nnt.


P/s : da period since 2mnggu after abes 60 days of darah nifas. But luckily , susu still ok n harap2 ok n ckup smpai bila2! N yes pada sesiapa berminat nk tahu pasal bf set shaklee ni boleh folo ig sy @fiza_n_biz :)

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