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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Penang trip pt II


After maghrib da we went to Padang Kota Lama. Traffic quite busy sbb cuti sekolah tp we manage to get parking nearer. We decided to hv our pasembor.sotong kangkung.cendol. coconut shake. I guess Suhail xsuke lama2 tgk his parent mkn..then we decided to bungkus pasembor.better kot sbb boleh enjoy lg rather than hv to eat cpt2 sbb suhail want it too! 

Selesai having the meal..lepak at the taman nearby. Ramai org melepak, main bubbles, light saber ( im a bit excited n hampir beli satu!) .. bestnye dpt tenangkan fikiran for a while no need to think of work n spend time with your loves one ..awww....about 10pm plus, we decided to balik since our baby pon da sleepy..smpai je hotel, tuka baju, diapers, n feed him,Suhail pon tdo.. me n hubby have our time finishing our tapau pasembor..well bf mother mmg xpnah kyg..i ate a lot.most of it sbb hubby tapau agak byk.mcm2 die pilih..nice!
Our tapau pasembor

Lepas mkn tros tdo..heaven nyee.. while nk lelapkan mata,hubby google where to eat tomorrown he found about taman tun Sardon. Quite a fewwww foods there n my hubby craze for kuih serabut or serabai. Im we planned to go there tomorrownye but xmkn kt sana, tapau lg sbb its more covinient. :).using waze dr super8, just about 20mins.

Tomorrow mornoon

Wait for Suhail to awake da pkul 9 lebih...agak lmbt jugak,hopefully adelah lg food kt sana.then grak n smpaidlm pkul 10.30 am. Agak ramai jugak. The place is like a food court where you can find various of kedai in there. Not taking any pics coz only my hubby pegi beli foods as me n my boy waiting in the car.

My hubby frustrated cket coz kedai yg jual kuih serabai tu tutop.xtaula tutop sbb da abes or mmg tutop what my hubby able to grab is mee wantan.capati daging cincang.nasi lemuni.putu mayong (  i called it mayam while hubs called it mayong..fine) with cendol n air soya gula merah.

Nasi lemuni is like nasi lemak but its black in color n taste like ada rempah. Comes with sebji telur and smbal.mmg mcm nsi lemak.
Nasi lemuni..excuse the pics quality..heee

For mee wantan no pic were taken coz we were tooooo hungry to do so..hahaha..
Putu mayong/ mayam

This is kind of mihun but lagi halus and u hv to eat it with sugar or coconut with sugar. Sometimes i eat it with kuah durian..nyummeyyhh
.the green one only one left but there is no hugeee taste different between green or white.both also sedap!

Since da mkn byk n kenyang that night we keluar a bit late that is after Isya about 9pm. We planned to hunt for nasi kandar which i xdela suke sgt alang2 dah kt penang..y not? The nearest n famous from our hotel is nasi kandar hameediah. So we went there but....

Continue again....

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