Blog Archive

Monday, July 25, 2016

Penang pt III


Nasi kandar Hameediah dah tutup!!!eiii i said to my hubby.last time i went with my girlfriends, tutup lmbt choice kene cari another nasi kandar spot> nasi kandar beratur. Since that time already 10pm i guess da ramai yg line up sbb based on my experience, people will start to line up at 830pm while the shop only open at 9pm. Tu pon dah pjg. Arrived there,as expected, mmg ramailaaa yg da beratur.. kesian my hubby.parking agak jauh , dkt blkg masjid kapitan keling and kena beratur pjg pulak.. tp xpelah..xde ape pon nk balik cpt..while waiting, i played dgn Suhail dlm kete.hehe

No nasi kndar pictures were taken sbb bila da bngkus, presentation dia sgt mkn jelahhh..lgpon da lapa..i opt for kari campur, ikan while hubby opt for chicken,kuah cmpur n kobis. Boleh mkn dgn tenangnya since i already put Suhail to sleep since now already his bedtime mode.

Next day which is the last day..we went to Padang Kota Lama again but this time having our mee sotong and coconut shake. Got 2 sides there. If u wish to buy only from kdai on side A then u hv to sit only at area A. Then vice versa. Since sbnarnya nk mkn mee sotong n coconut shake which in A area buttttt i already sat in B area,n pak cik yg wipe the meja already warn me, if u dont want to buy from any kedai here, then u can move to the other side..uh oh.then ni choice..i bought air kedongdong so that i can still sit tu punya rules pon ade ke? Hehehe. Finish our meal, its time to go home. And before that im having ice cream..sedapnyaa ice cream.

So basicalky our holiday kali ni bukannye nk pegi tmpt2 yg cntik or cr kafe2 hipster. Just for the sake of bercuti utk berehat otak n jiwa raga n well spent among 3 of us. So puas hatilah sbb berehat n mkn pon ok lahh...lgpon first time bercuti bwk budak omei tu,xbiase lg next time da ok, i guess it shud be no problem dah!

Ok before habeskan crita kali ni, nk share my boy show off his new skill.teheee

Till then smbung nnt 


P/s syok sgt dpt rehat n xpyh pk hal2 keje dsb. Kan best hari2 cmni

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